YiBei Organic Tea Online

Jiu Qu Hong Mei

Jiu Qu Hong Mei

“As the saying goes, nice tea comes out of mountains, this is because mountain was covered by clouds and fog; the sun’s direct light is scattered into diffuse lights by clouds, and diffuse light can promote the metabolismof nitrogen compounds of tea trees; protein and amino acid contents are higher in mountain tea.”

茶吸天地精华, 占尽五行八卦,金木水火土没有一样不占,但它受尽人间煎熬,风吹日晒雨淋,最后被铁锅炒,被开水泡,才能泡出自己的香气。它受了多大的苦,受了多大的气,才能把香味送到我们嘴里,它是告诉我们:先苦才能回甘!
